Senator, thanks very much for joining me this morning. After. LEVIN: Thank you, Maria. That's why we're at each other's throats. Those values include law and order, securing our borders, and standing up for our Border Patrol agents and customs agents. Jackson Women's Health Organization case on June 24. Roe vs. Wade was fundamentally altered by a decision in 1992 -- Roe was 1973 -- called the Casey decision in Pennsylvania, which changed the trimester test and had the undue burden and viability test, which they basically stole from Europe and from other kinds of laws we have in this country. However, he explains that he does not respect the people who are outside the. But that's something that needs to be answered. She was very much in line with all the Democrats up until now. The drug cartels have no fear of the Biden administration. BARTIROMO: Final word, John Solomon. To their credit, the filmmakers incorporate an array of voices on both sides of the issue, taking their timeline practically to the eve of the Brett Kavanaugh nomination thats currently roiling the debate. It's all right here, right now on "Sunday Morning Futures." That's what happens. HAGERTY: and make us better allies for them as well. BARTIROMO: Tell me what you felt about that -- that bill. And if you look beneath those numbers, Maria, it's accelerating. That is not a scare tactic, it's the . BARTIROMO: Yes. And what I mean by that is, let's take a quick example. He walked into office and on day one canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, signed in the COVID relief bill in March, signed in an infrastructure bill in November. Senator, good morning to you. The film looks at the decades-long effort to overturn Roe v. Wade, one of the most divisive sociocultural and sociopolitical issues of modern history and one the highest court in the land could drastically change now that it has a conservative majority. And he's putting us in a position where we have got war happening in Europe, thanks to these backward-looking policies. Two Waters. Fears over data privacy have been reignited in the wake of the US Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs Wade, the landmark ruling recognising a right to abortion. ANNOUNCER: There's more to come on NOW. Then: the most consequential precedent in decades. And this has been unprecedented, 40- year highs in terms of inflation right now. Welcome to "Sunday Morning Futures." We have 50 states for a reason, 50 legislatures for a reason, so that decisions can be made by the people in these states. Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg's Netflix documentary unpacks the process by which abortion grew from a personal issue to a political one. I want to get to the breaking news that, John, you had this weekend. Trending. The film is internationally distributed by Netflix, where it was released on September 13, 2018. You're increasing demand. Great to have you this morning. SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY, D-MA Well, the 11th Circuit this . Market data provided by Factset. The result has been a decades-long campaign to overturn Roe, which conservative voices featured within the film readily acknowledge. I mean, it's horrific, and it is scary. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence. The only religious figure portrayed positively is a man of the collar who . Women are going to control their bodies, no matter how they try and stop us. It includes our faith, our family, and really the opportunity for the American dream. JORDAN: Yes, especially when President Trump offered the National Guard. This doesn't happen if he doesn't put the right people on the court. [7], Last edited on 1 September 2022, at 06:05, "Review: 'Reversing Roe' heralds looming battle for women's reproductive rights", "Review: 'Reversing Roe' Shows How Abortion Became Political", "NOMINEES FOR THE 40th ANNUAL NEWS & DOCUMENTARY EMMY AWARDS ANNOUNCED The Emmys",, This page was last edited on 1 September 2022, at 06:05. This vote was basically 5 to 3 to 1. The Democrats grab on to every one of these American Marxist movements, whether it's this bizarre transgender movement in our schools, whether it is Critical Race Theory that rips at the fabric of this country, whether it's the war on capitalism with the degrowth movement that they call climate change, whether it's open borders, where they do not secure the borders, the war on the cops, over and over. This is a pocketbook election. The Last Blockbuster. With Donna Howard, John Seago, Brigitte Amiri, Troy Newman. SCHIFF: I don't want to get ahead of our hearing. It's a realization of an extreme ideology and a tragic error by the Supreme Court. JORDAN: That's not how the country works. That fundamental liberty John just talked about, that the court talked about this week, you have to go petition to get that back. Reversing Roe is a 2018 American documentary film directed by Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg. Bush to shift in its direction. I'm Maria Bartiromo. And, John Solomon, thank you for being here. 2018 | Maturity Rating: TV-14 | 1h 39m | Political Documentaries. Did you encounter any technical issues? They have used a lack of transparency to create false reality time and time again, going all the way back to Russia collusion. 2. And they said the Constitution means what it says, and we got a victory for life. WASHINGTON (AP) The Supreme Court has ended constitutional protections for abortion that had been in place nearly 50 years in a decision by its conservative . They can take your Second Amendment rights from you. Secretary Yellen: Overturning Roe v. Wade would have 'very damaging effects on the economy'. But let's talk about what Biden has really caused. BARTIROMO: Well, you also have the timeline that shows exactly the point that you made to Jay Powell, that inflation really started stoking after the president's COVID relief package in March of 2021. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)BARTIROMO: Well, welcome back. A nurse is providing teaching to a client about exercise safety during pregnancy. Accomplished writers and directors, Ricki and Annie are the leading creative forces behind Break Thru Films productions and are known for crafting deft and cinematic journeys through unexpected territory. Link Copied! (Select all that apply). And what we're not talking about are the women and children that are being exploited, women and children, children who are abandoned on a daily basis on private property because their families in South America aren't paying up. And the court rightly says, look, we're nine justices. HAGERTY: Yes. He changed the punctuation, left a bunch out. Chevron wrote a letter to the president and basically said, look, we're doing all that we can, and yet we continue to produce as much as we can, given the -- in the face of pushback from this administration. or redistributed. George H. W. Bush is seen in a clip from 1980 opposing the idea of a constitutional amendment banning abortion. We have a very, very powerful body, the Supreme Court, saying, we don't have any power. You layer all these things on top of each other, and I would say that all of South Texas and Americans across this nation are just going to say no more in November. Most critical and most obvious, of course, were Trump's three Supreme Court picks: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. He's looking to other countries that may not have our best interests at heart. I want to get your take on what's going on with Hispanic voters. The takeaway of "Reversing Roe" is that Stern and Sundberg are issuing a warning, one backed by a grim timeline, forcefully presented, that makes it all too clear what's at stake if a . Reversing Roe. BARTIROMO: Well, what is going on with the oil industry? A deep historical look at one of the most controversial issues of our time, highlighting the abortion debate from various points along the ideological spectrum in a winding story of abortion in America. In fact, we caught them in another lie. Today's ruling by the Supreme Court returns power to the states and the people of the states to address the issue of abortion under state law," writes Representative Liz Cheney. The Supreme Court has been shooting from the hip on abortion now for about half-a-century. Market data provided by Factset. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of abortion, Reversing Roe is essential viewing to understand how the country got hereand where it may be going. (Netflix, 2018) If the battleground over abortion resembles a chessboard, the new Netflix documentary Reversing Roe is an offensive bombardment on the pro-life movement's front lines. When's the last time you heard Congress or the president or the bureaucracy say, we don't have any power, so we're going to give this authority where it belongs, back to the people in the states? BARTIROMO: Quick break and then: What is driving the Hispanic community toward the GOP? And this is a huge win for life. Very, very, very disturbing. Recently while on a flight to Austin, I watched the Netflix documentary Reversing Roe, released September 13.The film looks at how Supreme Court cases have been used to gut the Roe v.Wade decision over the past 40 years, severely restricting abortion access in the United States.. A number of recent documentaries have explored the dismantling of abortion access in the United States, including . Beyond the prevalent anti-woman factor demonstrated in "Reversing Roe," there is a smelly anti-religion theme as well. DE LA CRUZ: Well, I am confident that all four seats will be flipped this November, because the Democrat Party has just moved so far from the values that are important to Hispanics. HAGERTY: Thank you, Maria. But, first, I want to get your take on the economic issues. BARTIROMO: Monica, it's also the drugs. Reversing Roe traces the long evolution of the politics of abortion in the United States. Reversing Roe de. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BIDEN: It was three justices named by one president, Donald Trump, who are the core of today's decision to upend the scales of justice and eliminate a fundamental right for women in this country. The High Court sending the issue back to the individual states to decide and to manage, the landmark ruling capping a week that saw the High Court's first major decision gun rights in over a decade, striking down New York's handgun law, which required those who want to carry a handgun in public to show a reason for it, a special need to defend themselves. An epic argument at the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday: At issue is whether to reverse the court's nearly half-century-old Roe v. Wade decision and subsequent decisions declaring . nurse is planning care immediately following birth for a newborn who has myelomeningocele that is leaking cerebrospinal fluid. Anyone can read what you share. Roe's "survey of history ranged from the constitutionally irrelevant to the plainly incorrect," wrote Alito, a . And I continued to spread the message and be a role model, like Congresswoman Mayra Flores, to say, hey, it's time for us to wake up, because the Democrat Party walked away from Hispanics a long time ago. Roe v. Wade was an important precedent. REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Good to be with you. Bookmark the permalink. Your customers, the American people, they need relief now. And then, all of a sudden, when there might be a concern, they say, well, it wouldn't look good if we called out the National Guard and we had all this police presence here, in light of what we have said now for several months in the run-up to the election. This landmark case protected a woman's right to choose, her right to make intensely personal decisions with . Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. No, Maria, I don't. The film is internationally distributed by Netflix, where it was released on September 13, 2018.[1]. And God bless the Supreme Court. But it was also a victory over the intimidation tactics of the left. HAGERTY: Thank you. This court specifically said they're not addressing contraception, they're not addressing marriage. And we have a graphic here of Joe Biden's approval rating with the Hispanic community. Includes a post-film conversation with Director/Producers Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. So what is going on in terms of this industry? BARTIROMO: And there has been evidence uncovered that shows Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats had ample evidence that there would be violence on January 6. That that's why radical pro-abort types like Collins and Murkowski and others, even they had to vote against this law. Article. It serves us who live in the here and now. The movie also interviews physicians like Colleen McNicholas, an obstetrician-gynecologist based in St. Louis who travels throughout the Midwest. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. DE LA CRUZ: So, the impact to our local communities is, number one, we have our medical system clogged through the hospitals with the illegals who come in and end up having to go to the hospital. Stern, R., & Sundberg, A. Published I mean, it started with the Kavanaugh confirmation, all the crazy things they did. Legalized abortion provides a choice for both who support or oppose it. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care. And when you get to the January 6 commission, you see this time again the same tactic we saw in Russia, only put out certain pieces of information, leave the rest out. As we know, the Democrats' spending bonanza in 2021 stoked inflation, helping to send costs of everyday goods to 40-year highs. HAGERTY: Well, it doesn't surprise me at all that Germany's taking this posture. He's a member of the Banking, Appropriations and Foreign Relations Committee. There's only one way to go. If the U.S. Supreme Court rules in line with the draft decision leaked in early May, the decision to reverse Roe v. Wade affect a much broader group than people who get pregnant . BARTIROMO: Yes. Roe vs. Wade was fundamentally altered by a . The film offers candid and riveting interviews with key figures from both sides of the divide, among them doctors Colleen McNicholas and Curtis Boyd; feminist icon Gloria Steinem; Operation Rescue president Troy Newman; and National Right to Life president Carol Tobias. Listen on. Burma Soldierwas nominated for a 2011 Irish Academy Award for Best Feature Documentary, and premiered as a centerpiece screening at the 2011 Full Frame Festival in North Carolina, where Ricki and Annie received the 2011 Career Achievement Award. And CEOs and boards of these large energy companies can't be -- can't follow their fiduciary duty if they know that the Biden administration has declared that, by 2030, in eight years, they want to see an end to the fossil fuel industry. Alito called the Supreme Court's 1973 holding in Roe - which, coupled with a 1992 decision affirming it, protects abortion rights nationwide up into fetal viability - " egregiously wrong . Reversing Roe. Recently while on a flight to Austin, I watched the Netflix documentary Reversing Roe, released September 13.The film looks at how Supreme Court cases have been used to gut the Roe v.Wade decision over the past 40 years, severely restricting abortion access in the United States.. A number of recent documentaries have explored the dismantling of abortion access in the United States, including . Take a -- we will be right back. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? Recent hearings in the Supreme Court have hinted at the possibility of more government regulation on abortion, making Netflix's documentary Reversing Roe, even more timely as it traces the nearly 50 . Joining us right now to discuss the January 6 hearings and the blockbuster news of the week are Ohio Congresswoman -- Ohio Congressman and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, along with investigative journalist and editor in chief of Just the News John Solomon. They're attacking Clarence Thomas. A deep historical look at one of the most controversial issues of our time, highlighting the abortion debate from various points along the ideological spectrum in a winding story of abortion in America. A nurse is caring for a client who is at 36 weeks of gestation and has methicillin-resistant. All rights reserved. We know that Border Patrol have apprehended 239,000 migrants just in the month of May. To hell with the Supreme Court. BARTIROMO: We will see if it comes to the floor for a vote. That's prices have to go up. MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Good Sunday morning, everyone. In this special episode of CAFE Insider, Preet and Joyce discuss the leaked Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito, which, if adopted by the Court, would overturn Roe v. Wade. BARTIROMO: Yes. And I was a Democrat. You're compressing supply. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. Texas introduced new abortion regulations, Lawmaker proposes bill to ban abortion in Kentucky, Missouri house passes 20-week ban on most abortions, Since 2010, 300 abortion restrictions have been passed in America, Planned parenthood in St. Louis is the only abortion clinic in Missouri, - Physician who focuses on abortion care in the St. Louis, explains that when asked about abortions, he gives them his, opinion. BARTIROMO: Yes. You ain't seen nothing yet, no matter how they try and stop us. Reversing Roe v. Wade. And I hear from these brave men and women the catastrophe that is happening there. The court's decision was one of the legacies of President Donald J. Trump, with . clinic pushing their religious belief onto others, when America has freedom of religion. What Roe and Doe's reversal really does is allow Americans a vote on abortion . Ultimately, "Reversing Roe" is a productive contribution to its ever-growing genre because it sharply dissects the process by which abortion soured from a private medical issue to a public . There's viability. We have not heard this president discuss at all the fentanyl crisis. Joining me right now is the man himself, Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty. We have those conscience laws in 46 states. So he's expecting inflation to get worse. And Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council suggests that Donald J. Trumps words in the third presidential debate in which the candidate made the quickly debunked claim that current abortion law allowed doctors to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on the final day helped quell doubts evangelical voters had about him. And, thirdly, neither has Pelosi or Schumer, because they come right out of the box. Why was the draft opinion leaked? BARTIROMO: Yes. To hell with the Supreme Court. This decision is a culmination of a deliberate effort over decades to upset the balance of our law. JORDAN: Well, no, I don't think it will at all. The American families are worried about how they're going to put food on the table, gas. They support abortion. I'm endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council. The Democrats would have blown out. The movie concludes, by necessity, without a clear read on what the future holds. I actually, unfortunately, know people who have lost sons and daughters to fentanyl. They're worried about the economy, their children. Reversing Roe: Directed by Ricki Stern, Anne Sundberg. If you need more information on APA citations check out our APA citation guide or start citing with the BibguruAPA citation generator. And so they create the illusion that there's reality there. And if it's not enshrined in the Constitution, like abortion, we're just going to kick it to the states, the way our founding fathers did. You look at what Biden's EPA has recently done with the small refinery exemptions. So, their law would have invalidated that. REVERSING ROE from filmmakers Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg (THE DEVIL CAME ON HORSEBACK, JOAN RIVERS: A PIECE OF WORK, MARATHON: THE PATRIOT'S DAY BOMBING) present a deeply illuminating look of the state of abortion and women's rights in America. This is a rush transcript from "Sunday Morning Futures," June 26, 2022. . So we're constraining supply at every point. 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