However, an APRN holds a RN license from another Compact state may renew the Mississippi privilege to practice as an APRN online. Acceptable continuing education offerings are those which are currently approved, accredited, provided, or offered by recognized credentialing agency; Successful completion of a minimum of three (3) semester hours of nursing credit offered by a nursing education program within the two (2) year period immediately prior to such application for renewal or reinstatement of the nursing license. The facility has policies and procedures in place to address all aspects of the issue. The licensee may engage in the practice of nursing at the level indicated. The registered nurse may delegate the observation and recording of a patient's ongoing or subsequent status to the appropriately educated and competent licensed practical nurse. It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to obtain a sample of CSF provided: It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared licensed practical nurse to perform the following tasks related to chest tube care: The appropriately prepared licensed practical nurse may perform these tasks provided: It is not within the scope of practice of the licensed practical nurse to perform the following tasks: A. The registered nurse is educated and competent in all aspects of rapid sequence intubation, mechanical ventilation and cardiovascular resuscitation, including knowledge of all equipment and medical devices to be used and medications to be administered (i.e., indications and use, actions, dosage, contraindications, precautions, side effects, antidote, etc., The education and competence must be documented initially and on an ongoing basis; If in a facility, the physician or nurse practitioner who is performing the intubation is physically present when giving orders for the medication and while the medication is being administered; If in a facility, the registered nurse is educated and competent and is the most qualified individual to perform the procedure present; If in the pre-hospital setting or during interhospital air/ground transport, the physician or nurse practitioner is in direct contact with the registered nurse; All the necessary resources are available; and. Getting accurate information can be one of the most important tools in driving your professional experience. As additional education and experience are required to obtain the necessary technical skills and knowledge to function as the assistant to the surgeon during an operation, advanced surgical assisting skills are outside the scope of practice the registered nurse. The registered nurse may assign nursing duties to other qualified personnel; assign duties of medication administration or patient medications to other licensed nurses only except as set out in 30 Miss. The registered nurse is educated and competent in the administration of the capsule and is knowledgeable regarding the indications, contraindications, complications, side effects and possible adverse reactions and recommended monitoring. Issuance of a single-state license may be issued if the nurse does not meet all of these requirements. It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to dictate history and physical, progress/consultation notes and/or discharge summaries provided the physician and/or APRN provides the nurse with the data pertinent to the formulation of the medical conclusion and the medical diagnosis. The RNP is a program for nurses who have a substance dependency problem and have violated the nursing practice law by diverting medication, forging prescriptions, doctor shopping, and excesive use of prescribed and/or unprescribed medications, work impairment, a history of failed treatments, and the use of illict drugs. Documentation of one of the above options must be submitted with the application for licensure. Giving out drug samples is considered dispensing. Medical orders concerning administration of medications at home which are evidenced by pill bottles or IV bags etc. The date/time of the late entry must be current and reflect the date and time for which the entry is being made. Pages - Disciplinary Actions Acting Director Read Bio Division Units Boards & Committees NJPMP News Contact COVID-19 Resources File a Complaint New Jersey Board of Nursing Disciplinary Actions View 2009 thru 2012 Disciplinary Actions here. The licensee is restricted, usually as a result of disciplinary action, to practicing nursing in Mississippi and does not have the privilege to practice nursing in any state other than Mississippi. If you are a new user please use the Register Now button to the right. Negligently or willfully acting in a manner inconsistent with the health and safety of the persons under the licensee's care, including, but not limited to, inappropriately delegating or accepting a patient assignment, and assuming duties and responsibilities in the practice of nursing when competency has not been maintained may compromise the health and safety of patients and are grounds for disciplinary action against the nurse's license. The Mississippi Board of Nursing is a consumer protection agency The policies should include specific medications to be used for the particular procedure(s) and should be developed with input/expertise from all involved parties, based on accepted standards of practice. The registered nurse is educated and competent in the procedure. Continuing education for these procedures must be ongoing and documented; The supervising physician or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) must have expertise in laser therapy and be immediately available and able to respond within five (5) minutes to any question or adverse event; The supervising physician or APRN performs and documents an initial assessment prior to treatment and as needed during the course of therapy; There is a medical order for the procedure, to include control settings and/or strength of solutions to be used; The registered nurse practices according to accepted standards of practice; Necessary resources are available; and. Therefore, you must apply for an expanded role or advanced practice certification if you apply for licensure in another state. The registered nurse may assign nursing duties to other qualified personnel; assign duties of medication administration of patient medications to other licensed nurses only except as set out in Part 2860, Rule 1.3(a)(2)of the Administrative Code; and assign duties for giving patient treatments to licensed nurses and/or auxiliary workers based upon knowledge of their educational preparation and experienced. Refer to theInsertion, Maintenance, and Removal of Peripherally Inserted Central Cathetersposition statement. However, the registered nurse remains accountable for the acts delegated. If you have held a Mississippi license at some point, you will need to apply by reinstatement. The patient must be assessed initially and on an ongoing basis as needed by the registered nurse to determine whether there are contraindications or changes which require additional resources or expertise; The licensed practical nurse practices according to accepted standards of practice; The procedure is performed and the patient is monitored according to accepted standards of practice; All necessary resources including, but not limited to emergency resources/equipment are available; and. Below are the number of serious actions against registered nurses that Indiana reported in recent years, based on a ProPublica analysis of data from the Health Resources and Services Administration (see caveats). It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to administer Ephedrine IV push for maternal hypotension. More information can be found on theNCSBN website under Licensure Compacts. It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared licensed practical nurse to administer Coumadin and subcutaneous heparin provided: The Board does not maintain a listing of specific medications acceptable for administration by registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. The Board of Nursing does not have specific regulations or require special certification for the administration or reading of a TB skin test. On July 27, 2007, the Board of Nursing's Nurse Practice Committee determined that it is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to discontinue a femoral nerve block catheter. Ridgeland, MS 39157. Development of Sanctioning Guidelines for Public Discipline in Nursing Regulation: The North Carolina Board of Nursing Journey; What Could Happen: The Consequences of "Practice Drift" The Board's law and code provide minimum qualifications for licensure, define fundamentals for scope of practice, and provides disciplinary processes all in the interest of public protection. The facility and/or transportation provider has policies and procedures in place addressing all aspects of this issue. Upon completion of treatment, the nurse meets with the monitoring staff, is oriented to and signs an affidavit and enrolls in the drug testing program. The registered nurse practices according to generally accepted standards or practice; The registered nurse is educated and competent in the administration of the medication, including but not limited to actions, adverse reactions, monitoring criteria and emergency management procedures; The registered nurse administers the medications and monitors the patient according to accepted standards of practice; and. In the event an order clarification is needed, it should be given as a usual medical order, whereas, the licensed nurse is educated and competent, there is a medical order, the licensed nurse practices according to accepted standards of care, and the facility has policies and procedures in place to address all aspects of the issue. The Mississippi Board of Nursing is a consumer protection agency with authority to regulate the practice of nursing through licensure as provided for by the Mississippi State Code. Review and approval of educational programs for continuing education accreditation is not within the purview of the Mississippi Board of Nursing. The facility has policies and procedures in place addressing all aspects of this issue. Upon receipt of the assessment, the monitoring staff will contact the nurse about treatment options. 2830, Chapter I and pursuant to the Mississippi Nursing Practice Law, "The registered nurse shall be held accountable for the quality of nursing care given to patients. Below are the number of serious actions against registered nurses starting at 8:30 am, Board Committee Meetings On April 7, 2006, the Board of Nursing completed its review of a request for clarification of the role of the registered nurse in performing ear stapling for weight loss, treatment of migraine headaches, treatment of insomnia, etc. It is within the scope of practice of the licensed nurse to hand a patient pre-packaged pharmaceutical samples with the original label and packaging intact or a medication that a physician or pharmacist has appropriately repackaged and labeled from a bulk container and meets the Board of Pharmacy, Medical Licensure Board, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) guidelines provided: Refer to theRole of the Licensed Practical Nurse in Nasogastric Tube Insertionposition statement. This education should contain all components of a formal certification course, including insertion, use, care and maintenance; The facility or agency has policies and procedures in place addressing all aspects of this issue including, but not limited to: The registered nurse is educated and competent in the procedure. Furthermore, the registered nurse is accountable for the quality of nursing care given by self or others being supervised. If the RN or LPN has been out of practice for greater than five (5) years, the RN or LPN will be required to comply with Continuing Education requirements for the renewal. Hang (spike) a new bag of fluid C.Regulate fluids of a central access D.Discontinue a central line E.Flush a peripheral intermittent vascular access device (Hep lock/INT). The nurse is educated and competent in the procedure. LPNs with an active or inactive license that expire December 31st of the immediately prior two years within odd numbered years. Mississippi has no statue that would require an individual order for vaccination or prohibit the administration of this medication in the outpatient or home settings. The nurse should follow the facility's policies and procedures on documentation of late entries. It is the state of a person's declared fixed permanent and principal home for legal purposes. The physician or dentist may provide supervision in the medical or dental office. The Board decided that the registered nurse, acting in accordance with the provisions of the Mississippi Nursing Practice Law, Rules and Regulations of the Board of Nursing and other Mississippi laws concerning abortion, may administer these and other medications to the gravid female provided: It should be further noted that, in accordance with Section 73-15-5 (2) of the Mississippi Nursing Practice Law, it is outside of the scope of practice of the registered nurse to make a medical diagnosis or to draw medical conclusions. Administration and Management of Moderate Sedation, Role of the Licensed Practical Nurse in Nasogastric Tube Insertion. It is the position of the Board of Nursing that a registered nurse should administer medications to students. Once the initial treatment costs have been met, the only other costs are for the random drugs screens, and transportation costs to and from meetings and groups. The registered nurse who is not a qualified anesthesia provider, who has specialized education and training, in settings where critical care nursing can be provided, may initiate, titrate, and bolus intravenous agents provided the patient's airway is secured and mechanically assisted. the attending physician or advanced practice registered nurse to report the nursing assessment and physical findings; The registered nurse obtains an order from the attending provider to continue or terminate the restraint seclusion; The registered nurse practices according to generally accepted standards of practice; The licensed practical nurse is educated and competent concerning patient education; The licensed practical nurse's education and competence are documented initially and on an ongoing basis; The licensed practical nurse is following an education program developed by the registered nurse and practices according to generally accepted standards of care; The registered nurse develops and documents an educational program for and specific to the patient and re-evaluated the patient and revises the educational program as needed; The licensed practical nurse must have successfully completed orientation to the equipment, the agent, and all aspects of related monitoring and documentation. The nurse has a valid multi-state compact license; The nurse still meets the multi-state licensure requirements of the state that issued the compact multi-state license; The nurse's permanent state of residence is still the state that issued the compact multi-state license, and. 713 Pear Orchard Rd. ); The procedure is a generally accepted standard of practice; The procedure is performed and the patient monitored according to accepted standards of practice; All necessary resources including, but not limited to, essential monitoring and emergency equipment are available; and. office of the ceo. Primary Eyecare Procedures Application attached below APPLICATION FOR PRIMARY EYECARE PROCEDURE CERTIFICATION The nurse is responsible to assure that she/he is educated and competent to perform the procedure or administer the medication in question prior to accepting such a task. This education and competence are documented initially and on an ongoing basis. The employment restrictions are designed to provide the participants with safe boundaries for a successful return to practice. The documented competencies should include hemodynamic monitoring and skills include in ACLS and basic critical care; The registered nurse practices and the patient is monitored according to accepted standards or practice; All necessary resources, including emergency equipment and resources, are readily available; The facility has policies and procedures in place addressing all aspects of this issue; and. NCSBN is currently in production on several other videos, so check back here for new releases. Upon notification of audit by the Board, the APRN shall submit to the Board any certificates, transcripts, or other documentation evidencing compliance with these rules, within ten (10) business days of receiving such notification. Employers should verify the status of each nurse's license or privilege to practice pursuant to a license from another compact state with the Mississippi Board of Nursing using the online license status check system which is accessible through the homepage of the Board's website. The LPN shall not be supervised by unlicensed personnel. You will register or enter your username & password to excess the nurse gateway to submit the online application & fee. This training and competence should be documented initially and on an ongoing basis; There is a medical order, emergency protocol or standing orders directing the care of the patient; The registered nurse functions according to accepted standards of practice. There must be documentation on file of the education and competency initially and on an ongoing basis; There is documentation that the nurse has the knowledge and skills to perform the procedure; The procedure is performed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and guidelines including, but not limited to, those pertaining to determination of death, deaths that may be under the jurisdiction of the medical examiner, and disposition of bodies. Can a registered nurse administer blood or blood components in the home setting? If you are issued a multistate license, your Mississippi license will become inactive but you will still have the privilege to practice in Mississippi and other compact states. the attending physician or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) to report the assessment and physical findings; The registered nurse obtains an order from the attending provider to admit the patient to the hospital or discharge the patient home. Furthermore, the appropriately prepared licensed practical nurse may replace a tracheostomy provided: It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to administer TPA for the purpose of declotting central lines. This education and competence must be documented initially and on an ongoing basis; The specimen is obtained without actively aspirating - a passive drip method could be used; The registered nurse practices according to generally accepted standards; and. The MNVP was established to assist nurses who are impacted as a result of substance abuse and/or mental health issue(s). The Board office receives and processes complaints regarding engineering and surveying activities. Board Action January 2010. The facility/agency has policies and procedures in place addressing all aspects of the issue including, but not limited to, determination of whether tubes such as urinary catheters, intravenous lines and endotracheal tubes are removed or tied off. The registered nurse may: The appropriately prepared registered nurse or licensed practical nurse may administer a chemotherapeutic agent (e.g., BCG) via bladder instillation provided: The Board does not maintain a listing of specific medications acceptable for administration by registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. If a nurse is assigned to a shelter in which people are taking refuge at the last minute, the nurse should perform emergency first aid, follow applicable written protocols and contact medical control through the established mechanisms as soon as possible. Disciplinary Actions per Board Meeting The Board of Nursing meets 12 times a year and takes disciplinary actions during each meeting. The nurse is educated and competent regarding the medication to include but not limited to indications, contraindications, and side effects; There is a medical order for the medication; The sample is in the original unopened package with the original label intact and unaltered or if the medication has been repackaged by a pharmacist or physician it was repackaged and labeled according to all state and federal guidelines; The facility must have policy and procedures in place regarding all aspects of this issue. Perform arterial puncture or draw blood from arterial catheters. The practice of nursing will subject a nurse to the jurisdiction of the nurse licensing board and the courts, as well as the laws, in that state. Although terminology may differ, board disciplinary action affects the nurse's licensure status and ability to practice nursing in the jurisdiction. It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared RN to perform microdermbrasion that does not exceed moderate settings. In all other settings, supervision and delegation must be by a registered nurse.". The Mississippi State Board of Optometry serves as the licensing and regulatory arm of the optometric profession by formulating rules and regulations that govern and enforce the laws that grant the privilege to practice optometry. If your new home state is a compact state and you hold a Mississippi multistate license, you may continue to practice in your new home state while awaiting the issuance of your new license. Suite 300. The registered nurse is educated and competent in the procedure. It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to instill medication into the chest cavity via chest tube. When administering any medication, the nurse should be knowledgeable of and comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations and guidelines pertaining to the specific medication including, but not limited to, those of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy and the Board of Nursing. The appropriately prepared registered nurse or licensed practical nurse may provide postmortem care provided: It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse and licensed practical nurse to communicate the physician's or advanced practice registered nurse's order to the pharmacist. In addition, Healthcare employers within our State as well as national stakeholders have recommended the following restrictions for New Graduate assignments (this is not an all inclusive list as facilities may implement other restrictions until the Graduate Nurse becomes an RN or LPN): No. Issuing a temporary permit to a New Graduate allows that New Graduate to practice within their respective education and training. (For example, Miss Code of 1972, As Amended, Title 41, Chapter 036,Determination of Death; Title 41, Chapter 037,Autopsies; Title 41, Chapter 039,Disposition of Human Bodies; and Title 41, Chapter 061,Medical Examiner. The facility must have policies and procedures in place to address all aspects of this issue. The facility has policies and procedures in place regarding all aspects of the issue. It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to irrigate chest tubes, mediastinal catheters, and pericardial catheters with thrombolytics. The licensed practical nurse gives nursing care under the direction of the RN, licensed physician or licensed dentist which does not require the specialized skill, judgment and knowledge required of a RN. Please refer to theMedical Ordersposition statement. Monitor/regulate the rate of the plain fluids being administered through a peripheral line. In addition, there must be a patient specific order for the procedure. Other member states of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Congress Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Refer to the Removal of Chest Tubes Position Statement. The following nurses had disciplinary action taken against their licenses. Pursuant to 30 Miss. The facility has policies and procedures in place regarding all aspects of the issue. The Board of Nursing does not maintain a listing of specific medications acceptable for administration by registered nurses and licensed practical nurses. These services are performed under the direction of a registered nurse or a licensed physician or licensed dentistand utilize standardized procedures in the observation and care of the ill, injured and infirmed; in the maintenance of health; in action to safeguard life and health; and in the administration of medications and treatments as prescribed by any licensed physician or licensed dentist authorized by state law to prescribe. However, the registered nurse is held accountable for the quality of nursing care given by self or others being supervised. December 9, 2022, starting at 8 amBoard Business Meetings The Mississippi Board of Nursing is a Mississippi state agency charged with protecting the public through the regulation of the practice of nursing within the state. Provide a Medication Administration Record for documentation of all doses of medication provided in the school setting. The registered nurse is trained and competent in the care necessary for the patient and knowledgeable regarding the use of available equipment. Home which are evidenced by pill bottles or IV bags etc legal purposes the assessment, the registered should! If you apply for licensure Maintenance, and Removal of Peripherally Inserted Central Cathetersposition statement 's and. To the right from another Compact state may renew the Mississippi privilege to within! Employment restrictions are designed to provide the participants with safe boundaries for a return! 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